Angry Gogrial East man torches hut, waits for occupant to spear

Police in Gogrial East County of Warrap State say they are holding a man accused of allegedly attempting to burn a house with sub-chief inside on Sunday night.

Two years ago, Goop Reech Anei, 51, the suspect handed two heifers to Juach Madit, 41, to look after them.

This is a normal practice in the area. One can keep a relative’s animals, especially when the other has no children to herd them.

However, Goop had to file a case against Juach, who allegedly dishonored local court summons several times.

“He then set ablaze the hut and waited outside in order to impale him, of which he tried. The spear missed the chief because he broke out and vanished into the darkness,”  said Col. Madut Anei, inspector of police in Gogrial East County. “We later arrested him and he is now in police custody.”

He urged the residents to avoid taking law into their own hands and solve disputes through legal processes.

Section 247 of Chapter V of the Penal Code Act 2008 states that:

“Any person who by any negligent act causes fire or explosion likely to endanger human life or safety shall be guilty of an offense and shall on conviction be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years or to a fine or both.”

This is the second time individuals have tried to burn down huts in an attempt to solve a problem in Warrap State

In May, Gogrial West County of Warrap State reported that unidentified arsonists burnt to ashes Kuac-Achinydit Payam headquarters over a suspected land dispute.

Armed with machetes and sticks, the attackers reportedly asked the payam demonstrator to get out of one of the buildings or they would set them ablaze while inside.