Youth in NBGS demand responses on rumors of Abuk Lual’s murderer escape from prison

Some groups of youth and women are demanding answers to rumors on the escape of a 42-year-old Sudanese trader who was found guilty of defiling and murdering the 5-year-old girl in Northern Bahr El Ghazal State.

The 42-year-old Sudanese trader was convicted under South Sudan 2008 child act section 12 and 36.1.

His associate, Omer Mohamed Omer, was handed a five-year jail term for harboring the offender.

The group of youth and women say the case of murderer Saber Abu Sam is being prolonged, alleging that he [Saber] is no longer in the prison.

‘‘We are hearing that he is not in prison [Saber Abu Sam] and the information is circulating a lot about it, we are requesting the authority to inform the community on how far the case is since the Aweil High court forwarded its decision to the Supreme Court in Juba for final determination,’’ Ngoren Mawien angrily told Akol Yam FM

‘‘And we need the lawyers who were assigned to this case to follow that information about the escape of the murderer with the supreme court and central prison in Wau and if nothing is done, we the youth shall mobilize ourselves and protest,’’ he warned.

‘‘As mothers we were disappointed when this incident happened but however, we were happy how the case was handled and this had calmed the hearts of the angry community in the entire Aweil,’’ said Ajok Mathiang  a member of Aweil Women Association.

Ajok is in dismay because the case is taking a long time.

‘‘When we heard such information that murderer Suber Abu Sam has escaped from prison, we are again feeling angry because we demand for justice to prevail,’’ Ajok said.

She however advised the youth to remain calm and allow the government to do the necessary steps and investigate the allegation on the murderer’s escape from prison.

In response to the statement, captain Guot Guot Akol the police spokesperson in Northern Bhar El Ghazal State refuted the allegation stating that the Sudanese trader Suber Abu Sam is still in Wau prison.

‘‘I would like to inform the public that Suber is still in prison but his associate, Omer Mohamed Omer was released by court of appeal and it is something that was pronounced to the public and the case of Suber was forwarded to Supreme Court in Juba for final determination, when everything is completed we shall then keep the public updated,’’ Captain Guot Guot Akol explained.

In May, the President of Aweil High court, Judge Abraham Majur Laat, read the court decree to the public pronouncing Saber Abu Sam Guilty under the South Sudan child act 2008 section 12 and 36.1.