Youth asked to surrender guns voluntarily in Lakes State

The governor of Lakes state Hon. Rin Tueny Mabor has declared voluntarily disarmament. The exercise is  to removed firearms that are in the hands of civilians.

Traditional chiefs across the state and youth leaders have been instructed to immediately start registration and collect guns from gelweng.

Hon. William Koji Kirjok is the minister of information and communication in Lakes state. He said the voluntary disarmament exercises will continue for a period of three months.

He said that they do not want to know how the youth acquire guns but their aims is to ensure civilians guns are collected and handed over to the government.

Koji said the process will be led by chiefs and youth leaders to convince the armed youth that are in possession of guns to surrender them without force.

“All the chiefs and gelwong leaders will make registration of firearms and surrender them peacefully to the government before the coming season of cattle migration”,said Koji.

one of the executive chief of Rumbek Centre county, Sultan Mawat Mangar, has welcomed the move.

And said he is ready to carry out the assignment issued by the governor. Adding that he is hopeful the process of registration and collection of guns will be peaceful.

Earlier this week, Governor’s Rin sacked and retired three traditional chiefs for allegedly mobilizing youth against each other in the state, saying they have lost directions and no longer cooperate with authorities.