US embassy on ‘brutal killing’ of aid workers

The Embassy of the United States of America in South Sudan has condemned the recent killing of aid workers in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area and Warrap State.

Over the weekend, an employee of World Vision based in Tonj North County of Warrap State was killed in a road ambush in what is believed to be a revenge killing.

On November 6, an unnamed aid worker – a nutrition officer – was also killed in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area.

“The U.S. Embassy joins the UN Acting Humanitarian Coordinator in strongly condemning the brutal killing of a South Sudanese aid worker in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area on November 6. We also strongly condemn the November 11 attack in Warrap State in which a humanitarian worker was killed,” the statement reads.

The US calls on the government to provide a safe environment for aid workers across the country.

“It is the responsibility of South Sudan’s transitional government to establish conditions that ensure the safe provision of humanitarian assistance. We offer our condolences to the families of both victims,” it continued.

Last week while condemning the killing of an aid worker in Greater Pibor Administrative Area, the acting Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, Marie-Helene Verney, said continued violence targeting humanitarians and their assets hampers the work of humanitarian actors across the country.