US blacklists Futuyo, Nando over sexual violence

The US government has sanctioned two South Sudanese government officials it accuses of involvement in conflict-related sexual violence in Western Equatoria State.

On Tuesday, Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control designated James Nando, a major general in SSPDF, who is accused of overseeing forces that raped hundreds of women and girls between 2018 and 2021.

In 2021, forces loyal to Nando were responsible for at least 64 instances of rape and sexual slavery against civilians in Western Equatoria.  In 2018, Nando was responsible for the abduction of hundreds of women and girls.

Treasury revealed that Nando was aware of the abuses and did not prevent or punish fighters responsible for sexual violence when it happened under his watch.

It also named Alfred Futuyo, governor of Western Equatoria and a representative of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army led by Dr Riek Machar, first vice president.

In 2018, the sanctions say, forces under Futuyo’s command carried out numerous attacks in Western Equatoria that resulted in the abduction of 887 civilians, of whom at least 43 were raped.

“As a result of these actions, all property and interests in property of those designated today that are subject to U.S. jurisdiction are blocked, and all U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in any transactions with the designated individuals,” it reads.