UNMISS doubts S Sudan's readiness for elections
The UN Special Representative of the Secretary General , Nicholas Haysom. | Credit | UN

The head of the UN Mission in South Sudan has reiterated doubts about preparedness of the government to conduct elections.

South Sudan is expected to hold its first-ever general elections this December.

“There is, however, widespread ambivalence about the adequacy of preparedness of electoral institutions and processes, as well as the security environment to endure a robust political competition without a relapse into conflict,” Nicholas Haysom told African Union Peace and Security Council in a briefing on Tuesday.

Haysom argued that the current security environ would not allow for a “political competition without a relapse into conflict”.

These include, he said, the intercommunal conflict and unimplemented key provisions in the September 2018 peace agreement.

Since last year, there have been reports of intercommunal violence in parts of the country, notably in Warrap, Western Bahr el Ghazal, Lakes, Jonglei, and Eastern Equatoria.

In addition, the peace parties have been accused of dragging their feet to implement the security measures, especially the “deployment of the Necessary Unified Forces, as a cornerstone for peace before, during and after the elections”.

Haysom stated: “We are aware that this fragile region, the Horn of Africa, would be devasted if it were required to endure two wars at the same time—in Sudan and South Sudan—and we are required to take all steps to avoid this possibility.”

He called upon the political leaders to “increase momentum towards democratic elections as agreed and sought” by the citizens.

“It must do so by simply taking the political decisions which are required of it and backing them with financial resources,” he added.

In November 2023, expressed doubts in holding free, fair and credible elections in South Sudan in December 2024 given a work that is yet to be done in preparation.