South Sudan people defense force in Northern Bahr el Ghazal says they deployed forces along the border over increasing threat of Misseriya attack in the area. Lion division three commander in Aweil, says the deployment is to restore calm and provide protection to residents living at Kiir river.
Major general Akuei Ajou Akuei is the division three commander in Wunyiik. He says there has been suspicious reports of armed Misseriya disturbing community peace at the South Sudan’s border area with Sudan.
He says the armed Missriya that recently attacked Abyei fired into the air at Merrem town causing panic among civilians in Aweil East towns.
“I would like to say no insecurity completely because I send some forces to monitor the borders, but they found nothing because some residents are spreading unconfirmed information which caused panic”.
Some community members say they are living with constant fear at the bordering areas with Sudan, alleges suspected armed groups are believed to be in the forest.
Some community leaders told Akol Yam nine one that some families have evacuated the areas. Garang Akoon is a community leader at Yin Pabol. He says the resident got scared after hearing strange gunshots.
“Some have already evacuated their families like children, women and old age from Mayom Lach, Mabior Padol-muonot to far villages for security reasons,” said Akoon.
He says people are asking state authority and SSPDF commander in the area to deploy more forces because as they approach cultivation season.
Yai Pioth says he mobilized youth to go and see the area where they heard reports of attacked in Mathiang Lach. “We found footmark of suspects with their horses loitering in the forests, my request goes to authority of the area to do urgent decision before those villages fall under attack from suspect Messieryia like what happened in Jan 2022.”
He says the presence of Misseriya militia at the border is increasing insecurity and is going to affect people preparation of farming.
Early this year, the suspected Misseriya attacked Yinh Pabol area leaving many people dead and number of houses burnt.