RRC warns of dire need for 800 returnees in Magwi

The Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in Magwi County of Eastern Equatoria State says nearly 800 returnees need humanitarian support.

The returnees are those returning home from Uganda and Kenya through Pogee and Nimule borders.

Eight hundred seventeen returnees have been registered through the RRC office for June.

Mr. Salva Ben Okeny, the county coordinator of the relief and rehabilitation commission in Magwi, says the returnees have been integrated with their families and the community but are facing challenges regarding shelter and food.

He appealed to humanitarian agencies to help the returnees with food and non-essential items.

He says most of them now depend on support from their families which is not enough.

‘’We have enumerators placed at the border points which are helping in recording data of every returnee, and when the figures are recorded, it is shared with UNHCR, last month we received 523 in Acholi corridor, 132 Mugali, and 162 in Nimule.’’
‘’ There is a lack of enough support; the only support they are getting is from the generous community within Magwi town, now the office has nothing to support the returnees, but with help from humanitarian support, this can be addressed,’ Salva told Singaita 88. 3 FM.

However, Salva says they have presented their appeal on humanitarian aid intervention to UNHCR and are awaiting their response.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in South Sudan said over 600,000 refugees have returned to the country since 2018, with the progress of relative peace in some parts of the country.

In 2021, President Kiir appealed to people who fled the 2016 conflict to the neighboring countries to return home.