RRC condemns killing of aid worker

The Warrap State Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) has condemned the killing of an aid worker in Warrap State at the weekend.

An employee of the World Vision International, James Akeen Majak was reportedly shot and killed in a road ambush along the Therkuang-Marial Baai Road in Kuajok town on Saturday.

“It is unbecoming situation. Humanitarian workers are people helping vulnerable people and they shouldn’t be targeted in something related to community conflict,” Benjamin Anya, RRC coordinator, told Mayardit FM on Monday.

The killing is believed to be connected to the ongoing communal conflict between the Buoiyaar community of Gogrial East County and the Wau community in Western Bahr el Ghazal State over a land dispute in Manyang area.

Anyar  urged the concerned government institutions to investigate the incident and ensure that the perpetrators are punished.

“The government has to investigate the killing and bring the culprits into book of law to explain why they are killing travelers,” he added.

South Sudan remains the most dangerous place for aid workers for several years running, according to UN reports – a ranking that holds for the number of attacks, victims and fatalities.

Since 2013, 142 humanitarians were killed in the line of duty. UNOCHA statistics suggests that four aid workers were killed since the beginning of 2023.

In 2022, nine aid workers were killed while delivering life-saving assistance compared to five in 2021.

Manyang is an area claimed by Gogrial East County of Warrap State and East of Jur River County of Western Bahr el Ghazal State.

In August 2023, communities clashed over the land ownership, and this resulted in displacement of some residents.

Recently, the two state governments recommended deployment of security forces in the area.

Currently, at least 10 people suspected of inciting the conflict are in police custody.

In accordance with the recommendations, a special police unit and traditional court shall be established to investigate and try the suspects.