More police officers have been deployed in Aweil town to control a growing crime rate in the capital of Northern Bahr el Ghazal state.
Last week, some residents of Aweil town told Akol Yam FM that they live in constant fear of a group of young men who continue to rob them during the night.
The robbers reportedly carry crude weapons such as machete [panga], knives and clubs to cause harm on their victims. They mostly terrorized residents of Maper Akot Aru.
The residents blamed the police for doing little to protect them and their properties.
The State Police now says they have deployed officers to boost night patrols in the town.
“We have deployed them early this week because we want the general public to move freely without any security threats,” said Captain Guot Guot Akol, State Police spokesperson.
He called for collaborations between the police and the civilians to address any crime-related issue.
“We urge community leaders and young people who are recruited into community policing at residential areas to join the night patrolling,” Captain Guot appealed.
Residents of Aweil town who spoke to Akol Yam FM confirmed the deployment of the security personnel. They commended the police for the intervention and promised their cooperation in identifying the suspected criminals.