Police officer shoots five in Juba restaurant
Juba City view at night.

Five people have been wounded in Juba after an officer of the South Sudan National Police Service opened fire in a restaurant over bill disputes.

According to Maj. General Lul Ruai Koang, spokesperson person of the South Sudan People Defense Forces (SSPDF), 1st Lt. Marial,  from custom division went and had a dinner at a Sudanese-owned restaurant on Saturday at Hai Cinema residential area in Juba and refused to pay after eating.

“Upon eating, Marial refused to pay his bills resulting in a minor quarrel with the restaurant owner,” said Lul.

After eating and entered into a quarrel with the restaurant owner over bill disputes, the officer decided to excuse himself to cock his gun and came back shooting at everyone in the restaurant.

"Marial left,  returned with a loaded gun and immediately opened fire on dinners which resulted in five people sustaining gunshot wounds," Lul narrated.

The officer was swiftly apprehended by CID officers and is currently detained at the ICT, Police Headquarters in Buluk.

Same Saturday in the afternoon, one person  was killed and one wounded at seventh day roundabout in Juba by a driving-by unknown armed men who later managed to escape after shooting.

Lul said efforts are underway to arrest the gunmen responsible for another shooting incident at Seventh Day Roundabout.

Juba has of lately been experiencing increased shooting day and night raising security concerns among citizens.