The commissioner for Kapoeta North County is appealing to the communities in greater Kapoeta to coexist peacefully.
The call comes after youth from Budi and Kapoeta North County clashed in attempted cattle raid in which one person was killed on Wednesday.
Two days earlier, officials say a hunter from Kapoeta North was shot and killed by suspected youth from Budi County.
Generally, there have been growing reported cases of revenge and cattle-related attacks between the two communities since Independence Day.
“We have been telling our youth to take care of their livestock only. On self-defense: If you are attacked, they can defend themselves, but must not go and raid,” Emmanuel Lolimo told Singaita FM on Thursday.
“So, our message is that, let us embrace peace because it is only through peace that we will be able to coexist.”
So far, over 10 people have been killed in the attacks, which officials say have affected farming and business activities in the area.
In mid-July, investigation committees established by Governor Louis Lobong traveled to Budi and Kapoeta South counties to hold meetings with community representatives, including youth, women, and elders.
They were to submit their findings to the state parliament and cabinet with a week. Until today, nothing has been heard from the state government regarding the report.