Nuer families leave Malakal PoC to Shilluk’s amid deadly clashes

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan has reported that close to 7,000 Nuer have left the Malakal Protection of Civilians Site (POC) following the deadly clashes that occurred earlier this month.

The UNMISS Chief, Nicholas Haysom, told the UN Security Council on Tuesday that it’s only Shilluk community which is now left in the POC in what he described as “monoethnic site”.

“As matters stand, approximately 6,000 – 7,000 Nuer have now left the PoC site, with only the Shilluk community remaining at what is now a monoethnic site,” Haysom said.

The fighting erupted between the two communities of Nuer and Shilluk living in the protection of Civilians site (POC) under the supervision of the UN mission in South Sudan.

The armed clashes claimed 14 lives and 28 others injured, according to UN records.

“On 7 June, a 14-year-old Shilluk resident of the Protection of Civilians site was stabbed to death. A Nuer man was subsequently beaten to death, sparking deadly clashes between armed youth militias. UNMISS has verified that at least 14 IDPs were killed and 28 injured (including one woman),” Haysom explained.

After the clashes, the mission advised against the smuggling of guns into the POC. It remained unclear how the IDPs are able to smuggle weapons into the camps when their movement is being monitored by the UN.

The representative of the UN secretary general did not give further details on where the Nuer families were leaving the PoC site for.

However, reports show that Malakal town was destroyed during the five-year civil war. In addition, homes of the IDPs were also illegally occupied.