NBGS man faces the noose for stabbing brother to death

A man in Aweil, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, is facing the noose or life in prison for reportedly stabbing his brother to death at the weekend.

Tong and Akol Kuan got into a “little misunderstanding” on Saturday, according to police there. In the heat of the moment, Tong, 35, allegedly grabbed a knife and stabbed his 38-year-old brother three times, killing him instantly.

“After the little misunderstanding, Tong grabbed a knife that his brother had wanted to use on him and stabbed him in the chest, back, and again in his right hand,” Capt. Guot Guot, state police spokesperson, told Akol Yam FM.

The incident occurred on the outskirts of Aweil Town, at Maduany, about 5 kilometers north west of the state capital.

Tong was later apprehended and he is now under police custody, awaiting investigation before arraignment.

South Sudan Penal Code 2008 stipulates that whoever acts, knowing that death would be the probable and not only a likely consequence of the act or of any bodily injury which the act was intended to cause, commits the offense of murder.

“…and upon conviction be sentenced to death or imprisonment for life, and may also be liable to a fine; provided that, if the nearest relatives of the deceased opt for customary blood compensation, the Court may award it in lieu of death sentence with imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years,” it states.