NBGS destroys substandard drinks
Illicit gin goes up in flames near Maluil Akong market in Aweil West County, as unidentified man records on Wednesday, March 6, 2924. | Credit | Joseph Athian/Akol Yam FM

Authorities in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State on Wednesday destroyed illicit drinks months after they confiscated them.

There were more than 150 cartons of the drinks, which were confiscated from various shops in Aweil town by police in 2023.

“These items should be destroyed because we had given traders enough time to transport them to other states,” said Zacariah Dut, Aweil town mayor.

In 2022, the authorities banned sale and consumption of the Uganda-distilled gin over health concerns.

The items include Star Gin, Disco gin, and Royal Life among other liquors.

They said the drinks were easily accessible to young people because they were cheap and thus, they abused them.

A bottle of Star Gin cost 500 South Sudanese Pounds, an amount less than $1.

Dut added: “We had to destroy them because we want to protect our people from this dangerous substance.”

The bylaw on substandard drinks stipulates that whoever sells them risks not more than three months in prison.

It is unclear why the authorities have not punished the traders.