Narus man in trouble for impregnating schoolgirl

Police in Kapoeta East County, Eastern Equatoria State, are holding a young man accused of impregnating a schoolgirl in Narus town.

Akim Geoffrey was taken in last week after the parents of the 15-year-old girl filed a case against the 23-year-old man.

The unnamed fourth grader, according to the chief inspector of police in the county, had deteriorated after the suspect gave her drugs to terminate the pregnancy.

“We have taken the statements from the suspect who impregnated the girl and he is now in police custody for further investigations,” Brig.-Gen. Kasmiro Okomos told Singaita FM.

The pupil is now receiving medical care at a hospital in Kapoeta town for specialized treatment.

The police officer said the victim will be able to explain her side of the story at the station once is she is discharged.

“We are waiting for the girl’s health condition to improve so that we can take her statement too,” Kasmiro added.

The Child Act 2008 obligates the government to take concrete measures to protect children from all forms of abuse and to ensure that any child who becomes the victim of abuse.

The abuse, the Act says, are sexual abuse, exploitation and harassment, including, but not limited to rape, incest, inducement or coercion of a child to witness or engage in a sexual activity.

“Whoever commits such an offence shall on conviction, be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years,” reads Article 22 (4).