Mother held for nailing daughter’s feet

Police in Kuajok town, the capital of Warrap State, have arrested a 27-year-old mother identified as Adeng Garang for allegedly nailing her 11 -year-old daughter’s feet on Monday.

The incident happened at Majak Amal residential area in Kuajok town.

The victim is identified as Anyang Kuc Thiik aged 11.

According to police, a suspected pregnant mother accused her daughter of not staying at home while she sold vegetables at a market.

Maj Andrea Atem, head of Crime Section at the Kuajok town police department, says a woman is the widower whose husband died seven years ago.

“After we heard news of a child at home nailed by mother, we rushed to the scene of the incident. We arrested the suspect,” he told Mayardit FM.

Maj. Atem stated that the case was reported by police officer after the mother nailed the child’s feet and left for market.

The South Sudan Penal Code Act 2008 prohibits cruelty to children.

Article 243 (1) states:

“Whoever having the charge or care of a child under eighteen years of age or being in a position of authority over him or her, willfully ill-treats or neglects the child, in such a way as to cause him or her unnecessary suffering, commits an offence, and upon conviction, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or with a fine or with both.”