South Sudan government has affirmed its commitment to protecting children’s rights and implementing an Action Plan to end all six grave violations against children.
The government of South Sudan signed the Comprehensive Action Plan on 7th Feb 2020 to end and prevent all grave violations against children by all parties to the conflict.
National Minister of Gender, Child, and Social Welfare Hon. Ayaa Benjamin Warile said the government is committed to protecting children in South Sudan by enforcing child rights policies.
She says children should be recruited into the army, prevent attacking schools, and punish those who committed sexual assault against young girls.
“We are committed to ensuring that policies are in place to protect our children and lead the resource mobilization to implement the resolutions and the recommendation that we created now. No justification under the sun will deny the children of South Sudan protection,” said Ayaa.
The Chairperson of the specialized committee on gender, child, and social welfare at the Transitional National Legislative Assembly, Hon. Lily Kiden calls on the organized forces, the army, and the national security to guarantee children’s rights.
“Let us guarantee children’s rights in this country regarding laws implementation. When we pass laws that are not implemented, we cry; the parliament is not doing anything, yet the parliament is doing enough. They are enacting so many laws, but the implementation is the problem. So we need to see that laws connected to children are implemented.”
Lt. Gen. Gabriel Duop Lam, the SSPDF Deputy Chief of Defense Forces, says the army is committed to protecting children and evacuating schools and hospitals occupied by soldiers during the war.
“We have all the responsibility and are committed to evacuating our forces from those areas if there are any. So, if there is any school or hospital {occupied} by the army, don’t keep silent; you report to us, and we will take action.” Duop said.
The UN Children Agency (UNICEF) country Director Hamida Lasseko says child rights policies will not be implemented without financial support and urges the government to fund the Ministry of Gender.
South Sudan concluded the national child protection conference on Thursday and directed the government to increase the budget allocated to child protection in the country.