Measles kills six children in Leer

Authorities in Leer County, Unity State, say they have recorded 71 cases of measles disease with six deaths.

“Measles outbreak has become difficult case now in Leer County. Seventy-seven children have been tested and confirmed with measles, six of the children have died,” said Nyalada Bading, county health director.

According hospital records, most of those affected are young children who recently returned from Sudan.

One of the caretakers, whose grandson is being treated for measles at an MSF health facility in Leer town, says the child had been suffering for one week at home with caught and fever.

Martha Nyameer says the family thought the child was suffering from malaria but later tested positive of measle.

Measles symptoms don’t appear until 10 to 14 days after exposure, doctors say. They include cough, runny nose, inflamed eyes, sore throat, fever and a red, blotchy skin rash.

The health official encouraged the community members to visit the healthcare centers if such indication seen on children or adult.

Measles outbreak has been reported in other parts of the country, including Warrap and Lakes states.

Measles kills approximately 350 people a day, mostly children, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).