Measles kills five in Tonj North

Measles outbreak claimed five children in Tonj North County, Warrap State, last week, a health official has said.

The county health director says they have recorded 73 cases of the disease infections at various health facilities in the area, including Alabek, Manaloor, Marol toch, Pagol, Akop, and Rualbet.

Dech Akot Dech stated that some of the children who succumbed to the disease are those whose parents declined to take them to the health facilities during the previous measles campaigns.

He said the county health department has reported the matter to the state Ministry of Health in Kuajok, but no response so far.

Mayardit FM attempt to reach Warrap State ministry of health for comment is unsuccessful .

There have been reports of measles cases in Warrap State this year. In September, St. Daniel Comboni Primary School in Tonj North suspended learning after 27 children were infected with suspected measles.

Measles outbreak has been reported in other parts of the country, including Warrap, Unity, and Lakes states.

It kills approximately 350 people a day, mostly children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).