Marking of 2021 CPE, CSE Exams commence

The national Ministry of General Education and Instruction has announced the marking of 2021 examinations for the Certificates of Primary and Secondary Education has commenced.

500 hundred teachers across the country have been contracted to mark the two examinations for a period of two weeks.

The Deputy Minister of General Education and Instruction Martin Tako Moyi said the marking of examinations delayed due to lack of funds he attributed to Covid-19 pandemic.

“We are officially declaring to the public that we are starting to mark the examination as from today,” he announced.

Martin he revealed that the ministry has received some money for marking the papers. He did not reveal the amount given for marking the exams but said the funds were released by the government.

South Sudan academic calendar for the year 2022/2023 started one month ago. According to the Secretary General of the Examination Council Simon Nyok Deng, the results for 2021 CPE and CSE are expected to be announced towards the end of next month.

“Under normal circumstances, it takes 4-6 weeks to run through these stages. So expect the results in 4-6 weeks,” Nyok stated.