Magwi returnees appeal for aid

Some 300 returnee households in Moli Payam of Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State, are appealing for humanitarian support.

According to local officials, families have been trickling back to the area from the neighboring Uganda and Kenya.

However, they say the vulnerable people are living in dire conditions characterized by lack food, clean drinking water and shelter.

Speaking to Singaita FM, the head chief of Moli Payam – Margret Oliver – urged the concerned government institutions and relief agencies to help the returnees.

“We as the chief we have been giving reports on the coming of the returnees from the neighboring Uganda and Kenya to the RRC office, but there is no positive response from the partners or state government,” Ms Oliver said on Thursday.

“I don’t know why they are not responding to the cry of my people. But when other counties call for help, you will see humanitarian agencies responding immediately.”

The families are some of the residents that were displaced during the renewed conflict, which erupted in July 2016.

In response to the call, the chairperson of the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in Magwi County, Salva Ben Okeny, said plans were underway to support the vulnerable people.

However, he asked the returnees to be patient.

“For sure the returnees are coming back, but there is no immediate support from the partners, but there is a plan at least to support those who are coming to Moli Payam,” Okeny asserted.