Lobong gifts SPLM county offices 17 motorcycles

The SPLM state secretariat in Torit town has received 17 motorcycles from the governor to ease their movements in the counties, according to a party state official.

Donated by Governor Louis Lobong, who is also the SPLM chairman in the state, the Tembo motorcycles will be given to all the SPLM secretariat offices in the eight counties of Eastern Equatoria State.

Each county will get two bikes except Kapoeta East County, which will have three for being the largest in the state.

“These motorbikes are meant for the SPLM county secretariats to move to the people – to the grassroots to help in the dissemination of the peace messages across the state,” said Ziro Silvio, assistant secretary for Culture, Youth, and Communication for the SPLM state Secretariat in Torit.

Silvio added that the motorcycles will be dispatched to the counties as soon as possible.

The amount the governor spent on the bikes and their total cost remain unclear. However, a motorcycle currently costs 1.5 million Pounds, an amount that is roughly equivalent to $1,500.