Little girl dies during house demolition in Aweil West

Aweil North County | Credit | Google Map

A three-year-old girl reportedly died at the weekend in Aweil West County, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, when a wall collapsed on her.

The incident occurred at Marol Akon residential neighborhood during a demolition of an old hut, according to a detective in the area.

That day, the mother hired some workers to demolish the structure to build a new house on the same piece of land.

“She hired people to erase the wall, but she did not check that children were in a safe place,” Lt.-Col. Philip Agany told Akol Yam FM on Monday.

“The woman thought the child might have gone to her grandmother’s house. So, she left for the market.”

Agany said the workers had no idea that Abuk Ajing Atak Bol was behind the wall they were demolishing, local police said.

He stated: “At around 11 a.m., they came to us, SAYING that the child had gone missing. So, when the search was conducted, a cloth the child was wearing was seen, and that is how the child was found dead in the rubble.”

Agany disclosed that the mother of the little girl, Achai Agat Deng, 37, is under investigation, along with the two workers.

He said a negligence case has been opened against all of them for failing to check the surrounding before demolishing the wall.

The South Sudan Penal Code 2008 states that any person who by any act whatsoever causes serious bodily harm or injury to another person, negligently failing to realize that serious bodily harm may result from his or her conduct, or negligently failing to guard against that possibility, commits an offense.

“Upon conviction, [the offender] shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or with a fine or with both,” reads Article 244.