Kiir rallies EAC effort for peace in DRC

President Salva Kiir has called for political concerted effort among the East African member states to realize peace in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo as he takes over the leadership of the regional bloc.

During the 23rd ordinary summit of the East African heads of state in Arusha, Tanzania, Kiir called on the leaders to remain committed to the Nairobi process for peace in DRC.

“I would like to emphasize that the East African Community should remain committed to the Nairobi process for peace in Eastern DRC,” Kiir told the leaders.

The EAC-led Nairobi Process is a regional peace initiative aimed at resolving the conflict in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The initiative was Launched in April 2022, based on principles of inclusivity, dialogue, ownership, regional leadership, and international support.

“On regional peace and security, our collective responsibility is to insist that the solution to the Congolese crisis lies with the government of the democratic republic of Congo and the opposition group,” he stated.

“I call upon the summit to find an appropriate mechanism to support this ongoing political process.”

Clashes involving militant groups over territory and natural resources, extrajudicial killings by security forces, political violence, and rising tensions with neighboring countries have contributed to high rates of civilian casualties and displacement.

Since March 2022, insecurity in the eastern provinces has reached new heights, leading to an exponential rise in protection incidents, especially those involving sexual violence, and severe restrictions to the humanitarian space.

The regional states, including South Sudan, have contributed armed forces to DRC in an attempt to restore peace.