Kapoeta inter-school drama competition: Bishop Sisto Mazoldi wins

Sisto Mazoldi has emerged the winner among the five primary schools which took part in the Kapoeta Drama Festival held at the Youth Resource Center over the weekend.

The inter-primary school competition under the theme: “Rooting Talents in Young People”, aims at building confidence in young people to realize and improve on their talents.

The schools that participated in the competition are: Kuleu Lights, Kotome, Hope for South Sudan, Singaita, and Sisto Mazoldi.

Some of the activities that were performed during the event are: drama, traditional dances, poetry, singing, journalism, modeling, and fine art.

In Singing, only two schools participated, and Hope for South Sudan emerged the winner – with 74 points while Kotome got 64 points.

In Journalism, two schools took part – with Kuleu Lights scoring 77.6 points while Kotome scored 63 points.

In poetry, two schools also took part, with Bishop Sisto Mazoldi scoring 90.6 points while Kuleu Lights garnering 92.6 points.

In fine art, only Singaita Primary School participated and went an opposed scoring 97.3 points.

While in drama, three schools participated, with Bishop Sisto leading with 77 points, followed by Singaita scoring 76, and Hope for South Sudan with 60 Points.

The last item was traditional dances in which four schools took part – with Bishop Sisto leading with 89.6 points, followed by Kuleu Lights with 88.3, Kotome with 80.3, and hope for South Sudan with 43.3 points.

The criteria used to award the schools the marks in the competition were: introduction, passion, stage management, message, and creativity.

Lona Mude, a learner at Bishop Sisto Mazoldi Primary School, spoke after her school was announced the winner.

“I feel so happy because it’s the first time for Mazoldi to win the competition and I am so happy for that; and I think we [Mazoldi] will continue to practice and do more than this,” said Mude.

For his part, Titos Lokwachuma, guest of honor, said: “Such activities can help keep our children busy especially school children to discover their talents because this activities can add more knowledge and skills in a child.

The competition was attended by learners from different schools, parents, teachers, non-governmental organization representatives, women leaders, and youth among others.