Jie population suffers poor harvest, resorts to eating wild food

The population in the Jie community in Kapoeta East County, Eastern Equatoria State, is suffering a poor harvest due to the little rainfall the area received recently.

In February 2023, some families fled the area in search of food and water amid acute food and water shortages in the remote part of the state.

An official who spoke to Singaita 88. 3 FM say the situation is upsetting as the population   in the area have resorted to eating wild fruits and leaves for survival.

“This year has been challenging, no good harvest and people are really suffering. The people in Jie were surviving on the relief food that was distributed to the locals by the Islamic Relief Organization, a church Faith based Organization operating in Kapoeta East County after the fire outbreak in the area and the people are now just feeding on wild fruits and leaves from trees,’’ said Marko Pedo, administrator of Jie in Kapoeta East County.

Marko says this has affected the livelihood of the people and the few who harvested the crops had to share the little food with the relatives, neighbors, and friends.

He calls on the government and the partners to support the people of Jie with relief food.

Early this month, the Chief Administrator of Jie called on the government and partners to support the people of Jie.

The Administrator went on saying service delivery to his community remains a big change that includes clean drinking water, health services, education among others.

There has been no census since South Sudan gained independence in July 2011. However, the 2008 census shows that Kapoeta East has a population of 163,997. Out of this number, 70,000 people are Jie people.