Since the installation of the Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) in Aweil East County, means of communication have been eased, some residents said.
The Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) was installed in the area in June 2023.
Some residents from Majook Yith Thiou who spoke to Akol Yam 91 FM said they are very excited and happy for now they can speak and get connected to their loved ones and relatives.
“We are very excited in our area since they put up this network, now we shall be able to communicate with our distant relatives and report challenges to the authority,” said Ayak Ayat.
Another resident is Athian Bol Athian said before the installation of the network, some of them were disconnected from their families but it is okay.
For his part, Hon. Kerbino Thiep Tong, county commissioner, said since South Sudan gained independence in 2011, the area had never had a network.
He stated that with the installation of telecommunication networks in the area, the authority has been able to follow up security of other far distance areas through phone calls.
He says previously, it was hard to follow the security of other remote areas.
MTN is one of the largest telecommunications companies in South Sudan, with an estimated 1,700,000 subscribers. It serves 233 million customers in 22 countries in Africa and the Middle East.