Increased child abductions worry Pochalla commissioner

The commissioner of Pochalla South County in Greater Pibor Administrative Area says he is concerned by an increase in child abduction in the area.

This was after two incidents occurred recently, resulting in the abduction of two children and killing another since last week.

Othow Okoti says the criminals were not identified but he believes they are within greater Pibor Administrative area.

He cautioned women and children against passing through forests without a male escort.

“We are preparing the police and the area youth to be providing possible support to residents who walk along the road so that people who travel between the villages are provided with escort to avoid further incidents,” Okoti told Mingkaman FM on Friday.

In Greater Jonglei, cattle raiding, revenge killing, and abduction of women and children have been the major challenges that face the residents.

Women and girls are abducted to give birth, and boys are trained as warriors and to join inter-communal fighting and cattle raiding, according to studies.

Attempts by the government to bring the practice to an end through community dialogues have borne no results.