Governor Futuyo accuses SPLM minister of selling ministry land

The state Governor of western Equatoria, Alfred Futuyo has accused his minister of roads and bridges, Anna Tuna Richard who comes from the SPLM-IG of selling the ministry’s land to business men in Yambio.

According to the press statement from the office of the governor published on it official media platform, the minister ordered the board of directors in her ministry to sale the uncalculated land of the ministry without approval from the council of ministers.

“It was confirmed by the Director General and Director of Finance in the Ministry of Road and Bridge this morning the 25th July 2023 that, the board in the ministry which chaired by the Minister herself is the one who ordered for the sale of the Land,” the statement reads.

“The land space is big but not calculated. Many business men are involved,” Alex Daniel Digi, Governor’s press secretary told The Radio Community. “Business men are the ones constructing it as hotel and other businesses,”

The governor has reportedly ordered the suspension of the ongoing construction of business places within the said land.

“Alfred Futuyo has ordered for closure of any construction going on in the said location, Futuyo directed Town Mayor His Lordship John Singira to deploy police in the sites,” the statement partly reads.

Futuyo ordered for an immediate meeting to be held on Thursday with the two Ministries of Roads and Bridges, Ministry of Housing and Yambio Municipality in his office to initiate investigation on the matter.

“This is illegal thing which happened and finished within the ministry which sold the land,” Alex said “The minister will be investigated and if found guilty, then the next step will be taken,”

The accused minister of roads and bridges could not be reached for commend on the allegations.

The statement from the governor’s office indicates that this is not the first time an SPLM official in the coalition government in Western Equatoria state is being accused of misappropriating public resources.

It said last year, governor Futuyo who governed Western Equatoria state on SPLM-IO docket suspended an official in the coalition government on SPLM-IG docket -” the minister of Housing, Land and Public Utilities Hon. Peter Sarawasi for illegal sale of Public Land and government properties after the minister was found guilty by the Committee formed to investigate the case,”