EES speaker calls for end to road ambushes, raids and revenge

Eastern Equatoria speaker of the assembly has called for an end to cattle raids, revenge killing and road ambushes along high ways for the state to have peace and development.

Severino Maira Janus in his remarks on 12th anniversary of the Independence, warned the youth in Kapoeta North County to shun all harmful practices and embrace the culture of unity, sharing in love and peaceful living.

“I will like to appeal to all our citizens to be in peace and tranquility we want peace to reign in our country and in our State we should shun from all forms of negatives practices such as cattle raiding, road ambushes and revenge killing. This is not good if we are really yarning for development we really need to stop all these,” Maira said.

According to the speaker, the recent negative cultural practices driving conflict within the community were never found during the ancestral times and asked the young generation to re-visit the positive culture of the land.

Revenge killing, road ambushes and cattle raiding remains among the major causes of subnational conflict in Eastern Equatoria and South Sudan as a whole.

Late in June, a 15 year old boy was killed and three others were wounded in a road ambushed along Torit – Kapoeta. Besides this incident, dozens have been killed on the same way.