EES citizens urged to embrace peace a head of independence celebration

The commissioner for Kapoeta North County in Eastern Equatoria State is urging the public to embrace peace ahead of the independence celebration.

This year, authorities in Eastern Equatoria say the 12th anniversary of the country’s independence will be celebrated in Kapoeta North County headquarters.

Hon. Emmanuel Lolimo Epone says officials and other communities across the state have started arriving to celebrate the day.

“I want people to be happy and celebrate the 12th independence anniversary as a Day of Reconciliation, forgiveness, and reconstruction of the country. we have had a lot of challengers as a nation and now we are up for peace and let us take it as a new chapter of our lives ‘’

‘’My message is let’s embrace peace and forgive each other and make this independence celebration a new chapter to build our country.” Said Lolimo.

Some of the residents who spoke to Singaita 88. 3 FM expressed their readiness and happiness as they await to celebrate the day.

“We got our independence and now I expect everyone to be happy, have peace because it is the day we got our freedom,” said Angelina Ikuju Peter.

“As for my family we are excited to celebrate this Independence Day and we are going to buy a goat to enjoy Independence Day in Kapoeta North County” Daniel Chamuka told Singaita FM.

“I am very happy that this celebration is going to be conducted in Kapoeta North County for the first time and we are willing to move on foot even if the distance is too long to reach.” Mariam Venensio expressed.

South Sudan gained independence from Sudan on 9 July 2011 as the outcome of a 2005 agreement that ended Africa’s longest-running civil war.