Domestic chores affect schoolgirls’ performance in Kapoeta

An education expert in Kapoeta town says irregular school attendance among the learners has had negative impacts on learning in Kapoeta South and Kapoeta North counties.

An assessment carried out by ADRA organization last week suggests that learners, especially schoolgirls, miss classes due to domestic chores.

According to the assessments conducted in five schools in Kapoeta town and five in Kapoeta North, absence from school contributes to poor performance.

“Actually, parents have to give a chance to their children to get education because if they do not attend the classes regularly,” said Siama Charity Sunday, ADRA Meal officer, told Singaita FM.

Eight female learners who were interviewed from each school and their head teachers that boys lead in most classes compared to the girls, because girls are overworked at home and do not have time to read and revise their books.

“Give equal time to both girls and boys so that they attend classes on schooldays and do home chores only at weekend. By doing so, they will be able to perform well,” Charity added.

Generally, reports show that the largest group of out-of-school children in South Sudan are girls. Poverty, child marriage and cultural and religious views all hinder girls’ education.