Division III soldiers receive July pay

The SSPDF soldiers of the Third Infantry Division have started receiving salaries of July, with the 400% pay rise reflected.

In 2022, the government announced a 100% salary increase for its soldiers before the proposed increment of 400 % was approved by parliament this year.

This means a private soldier now receives SSP39,000, up from the initial SSP13,000 per month.

Division three of SSPDF base in Wunyiik, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State. It covers some parts of the areas in Warrap State and the Abyei Administrative Area.

Speaking to reporters on Saturday during the payment process, the head of payment committee, Samia Musa Abdelrahman Sule, said they are paying 13,000 soldiers who are physically present.

“However, we understand there are some problems which may make it hard for some soldiers to be present during the payment,” Ms Musa stated.

These those who are based in areas that do not have mobile network coverage or those handling insecurity issues in the region.

“We are engaging and coordinating with area commanders to see how best we can reach to pay those ones,” she added.

South Sudan is in a economic crisis and which has had a devastating impact on the lives of ordinary South Sudanese, including soldiers.