Boda-boda rider, passenger survive gangster attack along Kapoeta- Ngauro road

A boda-boda rider is currently nursing wounds at Kapoeta civil hospital after being attacked by gunmen along Ngauro-Kapoeta road.

The wounded boda-boda rider was carrying a passenger and was travelling from Ngauro heading to Kapoeta town.

The incident occurred at Napetait on Friday at 10am.

The acting commissioner of Kapoeta South County, Juma Justine said the attackers did not take anything from the survivors.

Juma says the wounded is identified as Dario Ayala, age 23. He sustained gunshot injuries on both his thighs.

‘‘We have sent forces to the scene to investigate the incident and whereabouts of the gunmen. I made a call to the national security in Nadapal to confirm the location of the incident and they said the incident happened in Napetait,’ Juma Justine told Singaita 88.3 FM.

James Kamar who was travelling along the road on his motorbike tells how the incident happened.

‘‘We all left Ngauro town heading to Kapoeta town using different motorbikes, I was a head while the one who got shot was behind me, when we reached Namorunyang just a small distance is when I heard a gunshot, I actually stopped but this guy from distance was shouting at me to run and I saw the gun being pointed at me too but it missed out when they shot at me, thankfully there are security forces along Ngauro and when they heard the gunshots, they rushed to the scene and these criminals ran to the bush.’’ He narrated.

James calls on the government to deploy more forces along the highway to curb road ambushes.

Road ambushes remain a bigger challenge along Kapoeta-Ngauro.