Aweil Center records 154 snake bite cases, 4 deaths

County authorities in Aweil Center say they have recorded at least  154 snake bite cases with 4 deaths in the last three months of June, July and August.

John Dut, county health director, told Akol Yam FM that the four died in the rural areas before they could access any help.

He said the assessment indicates that only 34 cases out 154 were reported to health facilities while the rest were treated locally at home.

He encouraged the public to report snake bite patients to nearby health centers for first aid treatment despite the lack of anti-venom vaccines.

“I want people to keep cleaning their houses and surrounding areas to help them to see snakes and other things moving on ground,” Dut said.

“I want them also to be careful when they are working in their farms to avoid snake bites during this rainy season when there is long grasses.”

For the last three months, health centers across the state have raised complaints on lack of anti-venom vaccines to treat snake bites patients –a concern which the ministry is yet to address.