At least 57 schools close down due to floods in Aweil East

Torrential rains and flooding have forced the closure of at least 57 schools in Aweil East County, Northern Bahr el Ghazal state.

According to the County Education Director, the schools have been submerged by water – making it for learners and teachers to return to classes.

Simon Ngor Piol told The Radio Community that there are concerns the children from the affected schools may miss term II learning.

“I am sure most of the schools will not sit for second term examination because they are interrupted by floods. Now most of learners are sitting at home because they don’t have classes to attend lessons,” he explained.

Mr. Ngor said a few schools have moved to the dry lands on high grounds to conduct lessons.

“I reported that situation to the State Ministry of Education to help us with temporary shelters like tents but we are not received any feedback,” he added.

Torrential rains and flash floods have continued to devastate most parts of greater Bahr el Ghazal region.

There have been reports of schools getting temporarily closed down, children drowning and thousands of families getting displaced – and in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.