Amiet IDPs receive food assistance

More than 15,000 displaced persons from Amiet have begun receiving food assistance in Twic County of Warrap state.

They are among thousands displaced from their homes during fighting between Twic and Abyei youths in February 2022.

The IDPs say they have spent months in the camp without food and resorted to eating wild fruits and tree leaves to survive.

On Thursday, the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission together with Joint Aids Management organization provided the IDPs with food assistance supported by the World Food Programme.

They received sorghums, cooking oil, salt, and some nutrition foods for children.

RRC Coordinator in the area said the assistance will continue for 4 more months.

“We RRC in collaboration with our partners tried to work hard because…the condition is not for IDPs alone, but also the host community who were effected by last year floods that left many people vulnerable,” Cyer Madut Cyer.

Some of the beneficiaries in Majak Aher told Mayardit FM they have been expected the food assistance for months.

“We are really happy for the support. What is remaining we are lacking of mosquitoes nets,” a mother said.

In February, local authorities said about 20,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in Twic County.