Abraham chol, Fr. John Mathiang, Bobby longar not among pardoned inmates
Prophet Abraham Chol, Fr. John Mathiang, and Bobby longar are not on the list of 71 inmates that were pardoned by President Salva Kiir on Friday upon receiving his Pope Francis, Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in the country for peace pilgrimage which focused on the national forgiveness and reconciliation.
Among the pardoned inmates, 36 were on death row for different crimes while the 35 were convicted with minor crimes.
Abraham Chol is serving 33 months in prison for insulting president and abusing religion.
The self-proclaimed prophet was arrested in July 2021 after he prophesied that President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar woukd leave power before the Independence Day anniversary of that year – a prophesy which did not come to pass.
Fr. John Mathiang, a Catholic Priest from Rumbek Diocese, is serving seven-year term for masterminding the shooting of Fr. Christian Carlassare, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek in April, 26 2021.
Meanwhile, Bobby Longar was sentenced to death for killing two people. He shot dead his wife Rebecca Anyon Kot and a young man named Akech Atak Madut at a popular night club in June in Juba. He was suspecting his wife of unfaithfulness.
In a presidential decree read out on the National Broadcaster – South Sudan Broadcasting Cooperation (SSBC), the president did not mention the reasons for pardoning the 71 inmates, but it’s presumed that it was a response to papal visit which is consolidating the peace efforts, national forgiveness, and reconciliation.
Blow are the names of the inmates that were pardoned by the president on Friday 3rd, February 2023
Inmates on death row:
Paul Pitya Ladu
Moses Ohiti Lowa
Abrahman Marino Lawrence
Wilson Elias Mope
Serjina Wani Tombe
John Kute Okenyi
Juma Lorichok Loporinga
Fiden Frugonibe
Fortonaso Kisiano Naigba
Majak Gang Majak
Charles Otien Yaweri
Angu Awuoi Angui
Alfred Gabriel Tong
Martin Dak Othwol
Abdallah Sogar Ahmed
Cosmas Aiomani Mope
Gordon Mangar Nhial
Aguek Mou Aken
Cosmas Wala Jakibula
Moses Tongun Laku
Garbino Jagwer Nyambur
Joseph Lagu Gore
James Ladu Gabu
Francis Tongun Gabriel
Mudesir Khalifa Ismail
David Loro Wani
Amal Oporo Orwanaga
Martin Ohisa Kwato
Samuel Richard Zacharia
Simon Samuel Paka
Repent Ezbon Benjamin
Stephen Kenyi Erkima
Albino Lokoleng Lokobas
Joyce Simon Wani
Nakujet Amera Kangole
Santino Laku Marial
Inmates with minor crimes or failure to pay fine or compensation
Andria Chol Lat
John Samuel Lojom
Wani Enisiose Erkanjelo
Nakoi Geoffrey Simon
John Lat Makoi
Ring Acuil Majok
Nyar Tong Yai
Comboni Atanasio
Sabri Khamis
James Ladu Wani
Nhial Mabior Nhial
Kazi Agustino Makario
Junag Nyapoth
Kaziwa Nyakiyoko
Philip Sebit Ladu
Garbino Deri Bero
Achol Garang Ayei
Kon Isaac Chol
Loki Anyei Ajik
Sabir Michael Bakhit
Sunday Alayim Majing
Martin Tong Majak
David Morris Pitia
Abdrahman Asaballah
Adut Deng Mayik
Flex Yogu Zachariah
Lobojo Simon Duku
Maturu Deng Mapor
George John Francis
Kaziwa Marol
Rehmus Wilson Thomas
Lingco Anguei Makur
Sunday Samuel Juma
Samuel Malong Biel
Dominic Arkanjelo

President ordered for immediate execution of the decree by the prison authorities.