The leader’s of Rizzegat peace committee in Northern Bahr El Ghazal has been killed on Sunday at Reig Madala Market in Eastern Darfur. Official says Mahmoud Sadig Saad, age 55 was shot by unknown armed group and later succumbed to injuries.
William Kolong Pioth is the regional peace coordinator for Northern Bahr el Ghazal state. He said the late Sadig was on a mission to collect blood compensation cash for the people that were killed by Rizzegat last year.
He was attacked in the morning hours before he crosses to Northern Bahr el Ghazal territory of Kiir Adem river. Kolong says they are in contact with peace committee members, and security forces in Eastern Darfur to identified the suspects.
He described the late as a “peacemaker” between Sudanese cattle keepers and people of Northern Bahr El Ghazal state. “We are very sorry for what has happened because Mahmoud was helping the two communities to stay in peace, and I think his absence will create a wider gap in the peace process”.
He sent his condolences message to the family of late and the Rizegat community.
The news about the death of Mahmoud has been condemned by many people in Northern Bahr El Ghazal, some say it would create hostilities between pastoralists that will share grazing land during the dry season.
On Sunday, several shops in Aweil, state capital were closed to mourned his death and Sudanese traders called on Sudan government to arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice.