At least 15 media managers around the world are undertaking a three-week training on the role of media in democratic countries in Japan.
The three-week training is supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency or JICA, and Nippon Hoso Kyokai NHK or (Japan Broadcasting Corporation).
The participants are from South Sudan, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Malawi, Zambia, Kosovo, Fiji, and Cambodia covering Africa, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia.
Speaking during the first day of the training, Sato Toshiyuki – Special Controller of the Japan Broadcasting Corporation tells the participants to follow the editorial policies in the newsroom.
“As a journalist, if something is beyond your control in the newsroom, use your journalistic conscience, and adhere to editorial policy,” said Sato Toshiyuki – Special Controller, of the Japan Broadcasting Corporation.
In attendance is The Radio Community’s Chief Executive Officer, Chris Marol and Eye Radio’s Station Manager, Koang Pal Chang, Daniel Majak Alier Secretary General Union of Journalists in South Sudan, and other two Journalists from South Sudan broadcasting Corporation (SSBC) Aliandro Lotok and Anei Aguek Ajiing.
The three weeks training on ‘The Role of Media in Democratic Countries’ which commenced on February 9 ,2023 is expected to end on February 23, 2023.